Having an inspiring Christian women’s speaker can transform your event, providing clarity and purpose
“It was such a joy meeting you at the Global Harvest Church Women's Retreat. You are amazing. I wanted to tell you that I love the way you carry yourself, so inviting, humble, and with this kind of confidence that must only come from the Holy Spirit. All your lectures had me vigorously taking notes and I am eager to apply them!”
- S. Song
“Gwen added such great value to the Women on Fire 2023 Conference. The audience gleaned valuable and impactful information that can be used to help them move forward financially. Most importantly, Gwen helped to change lives in a profound way with her wisdom and insight. She will definitely be invited to speak again at future events!”
- S. Gilbert
Here are some examples of topics that Gwen can talk about:
We engage in purposeful living by understanding our calling and making a commitment to settle for nothing less. Our calling is encoded in our DNA. We eat, live and breathe for the opportunity to fulfill this mission and serve others. The calling is unique to each individual. It requires courage, self-awareness and trust in God who is the author of the calling. This topic will challenge any audience to seek beyond themselves and pursue the life for which you have been uniquely created. (Deborah)
This topic will explore Job’s wife as she gives disastrous advice in the midst of insurmountable suffering. You will learn how to walk with God during suffering and never be called foolish.
What do you do with the setbacks and obstacles? After the tears and heartache, you make them work to your advantage. Learn key principles to keep you moving forward and never give up or give in. (The Samaritan Woman)
This message examines Naomi and Ruth and their decision-making tactics during trying times. In the depth of despair, decisions were made (good and bad). This topic emphasizes moving forward despite the disappointments and trusting God.
Esther provides an excellent example of how to live purposefully in a pressing moment. The audience will learn that purpose does not exist on a smooth path solely, but we are called to serve and look beyond self-preservation. Major points include addressing personal identity, interests and intentionality.
Gwen shares her personal stories from raising a special needs daughter to inspire and deliver hope to struggling and frustrated families. This message will increase awareness and cause the listeners to show compassion while choosing to serve others..
Set aside your personal vision board and develop a passion for Christ, accept the purpose for which He created you.
Turn your workshop into a transformative experience!
Gwen can help your group or organization to grow together.
What is the secret to building wealth? Mindset. This workshop addresses self-sabotaging, mental clarity, the importance of vision, couples behaving as a team, singles understanding self worth, discipline, and the practical mechanics – budget, debt snowball, emergency funds, etc. Attendees will be provided scriptural support to be good stewards over their blessings.
A hardworking woman who feels frustrated and stuck spins her wheels in search of answers. This workshop helps to identify the root source of toxic thinking and lackluster results. Attendees will complete the Equipping Profile Assessment which pinpoints the fear-based thinking habits. This powerful and engaging workshop equips each participant with clinically-proven results and feedback to move forward with confidence. The typical feedback from attendees is ‘spot on’.